The Conversation is the Relationship


Intention & Impact

If we can’t feel safe enough to have difficult conversations in an open and honest way, we will never get to a place where we can transform our culture. -Judith Glaser | Conversational Intelligence

What conversation have you been avoiding?

You've probably spend a fair amount of time focused on the problems of this difficult conversation. Since that drains your energy and rarely works well, experiment with shifting your focus. Consider what's possible by asking yourself:

  • In what ways could that difficult conversation support the relationship?
  • What would be different if you listened to connect, rather than primarily to understand?
  • What conscious intention and impact could you bring to that conversation to facilitate mutually desirable outcomes? 

Full Moon Blessing


Eclipse in Aquarius

"Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions." ~Hafiz

Photo by Caique Silva on Unsplash

Photo by Caique Silva on Unsplash

Quote by: Joe Martino

Quote by: Joe Martino

Photo by Caique Silva on Unsplash

Photo by Caique Silva on Unsplash

Surrender to Courage


Release Yourself

As a leader, it's easy to forget the power in letting go of the familiar. Because letting go takes Courage. Yet in the end we only regret the chances that we didn't take. So in what way could you surrender to a positive change in your leadership, business or life by simply letting go?

Find Your Way Forward


There's Always a Way

It may not be the way you want.

It may not be what you think you need.

Yet, when you're willing to let go of expectations and allow what wants to emerge to come forth, there's always a way.

The Power of Your Attention

Years of research by physicists tell us that what we focus on expands. Finding your way begins with you shifting your focus from the problem to what could be possible if you became very curious about solutions. For as Einstein said...

No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.

This change in your inner state of being frees you to trust your inner guidance and lead with resilience in the direction your path is taking you.

We meet our destiny on the path we take to avoid it.

When Being Leads to Doing

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You know how...

You know how you carefully think through what you want to say and do, and the positive impact you’d like to have with someone with whom you’ve experienced some tension?

How you’re anxious or agitated and not intending to display or express any of that?

Then you begin to speak or write to this human with your well-planned words, or you show them whatever it is you think they need to see or read…

And the s**t hits the fan.

They are not pleased or grateful or enlightened in the slightest.

You scratch your head and wonder why your sincere intentions and truth-telling has had the opposite impact you intended. “What did I DO wrong? ..."What happened?” 

If you’re still relying on the combination of your brain – chock full of biases, cultural conditioning and lies, and traumatizing memories – and your action-taking to create positive impact, you need to take a quick listen to the wisdom of Sylvia Warren in this 3-minute gem of a recording. 

Audio Block
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The Essence of Leadership


A leader is a person you will follow to a place you wouldn't go by yourself.

Being Human

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Compassion moves us beyond empathy to stand in another person's shoes. And, the elegantly provocative poems of Nayyirah Waheed invite us into the depths of Being Human, where our vast capacity for compassion awaits our arrival.

you broken the ocean in half to be here.

only to meet nothing that wants you.

- immigrant 

Are Your Expectations Blowing You Off Course?

Photo by James Connolly on Unsplash

Navigating other people's expectations can be challenging. Patience and persistence in clarifying exactly what another person's expectations are and reaching mutual agreement about them takes focus, effort, and often serious communication skills. Yet like most leadership and business best practices, ultimately your success depends on how well you understand the true nature of your own expectations.

Knowing the needs your expectations are attempting to meet can keep you from being blown off course by your own hidden agendas. So as I share in the audio below, give yourself some space and time to...

Gratitude Vitamins


Dragonfly Leadership

Subtle Natural Power

Dragonflies are very ancient, estimated to have been on earth for over 180 million years. Their jewel-like bright coloring takes time to develop, reflecting the idea that with maturity your own true leadership colors emerge. Their fast flight and aerial feats—flying up to 30 miles an hour, and twisting, turning and changing direction in an instant, and even flying backwards—engage them in constant change.

As a leader in today's world how often do you experience the need to move, metaphorically speaking, like a dragonfly with alarity, precision, and ease? What practices enable your leadership to be dragonfly resilient?

A closer look at the natural yet subtle power of dragonflies could provide you with some leadership insights.

Dragonflies inhabit two realms—air and water. The significance for you as a leader is that these dragonfly domains offer a balance of mental clarity and emotional intelligence. 

A simple practice can strengthen your leadership, mentally and emotionally. When confronted by sudden unwelcomed change, breathe deeply—bringing air into your body and a sense of spaciousness into your mind. If it's available, drink some water to give yourself a moment to think.

This conscious practice also gives you a chance to tune into your feelings and self-regulate them. Like dragonfly, use air and water to see ways to navigate unexpected change and respond to it initially. Notice the shifts you are making to lead yourself and your team toward the new goal or in the new direction.

Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected. Sustainability is about survival. The goal of resilience is to thrive. ~Jamais Cascio

Your Environment's Impact

Energy Drains

It's possible to be overworked and underutilized. 

This isn't readily apparent because our attempts to adjust and keep moving forward limit our focus and deplete our energy even more. And, we end up operating with diminished capacity without realizing it. 

I see this all the time with leaders and their teams. It's as if you have waited a little too long to put oxygen masks on yourself and your brain is more stared for oxygen than they know.

Of course, there is a remedy - like 'pure oxygen' - for this creeping deprivation of energy and resilience. 

Resilence Reset

When the best in you is cultivated by your leader and work culture, you bring a keener sense of focus, commitment and endurance to the challenges you face. In productive yet challenging environments you feel safe enough to experiment and make mistakes. Individual and collective/team contributions are supported and recognized. So progress and results end up being more remarkable than you ever imagined possible. 

If this thriving environment is not available in the culture where you work, find simple yet consistent ways to give genuine encouragement, recognition and appreciation to yourself and your team. Whenever possible, walk in nature to experience a natural energy reset. Notice how much more resilent you feel. And, notice the positive impact your attitudinal and behavioral shifts in the environment have on individual and team engagement, performance and results.