Epic Leadership Journeys MasterClass in Insight, Innovation & Impact

No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew. ~Albert Einstein

This MasterClass offers you uniquely powerful ways to receive transformational input that sparks your sense of wonder, curiosity and imagination. In a Wisdom Circle of inclusive women leaders potent yet natural experiential learning ignites sudden unexpected insights, innovative ideas, and actions leading to desired impact.

Enjoy your favorite cup of coffee or tea while you watch this video. See if this Epic Leadership Journeys MasterClass in Insight, Innovation & Impact is calling your name.

And if it is speaking to you, let’s talk.

Remain Calm

As we are seeing with the President of the Ukraine, there are certain moments in time when our innately powerful self shows us and the world who we are as a leader.

The experience I share in this true story that I narrate was one of those moments for me. And what it gifted me continues to be a blessing I share in my Epic Leadership Coaching and wisdom card deck.

Listen to discover what it gifts you.

Tap into the Potency of Not Knowing

What you don’t know is bigger than you. ~Epic Leadership Journeys

The ‘Unknown’ is a place of mystery, creation, and infinite possibilities. Being uncomfortable with not knowing is a natural human response. Yet when you stand in the mystery of the ‘Unknown’ and just allow yourself to imagine what could be possible, your Inner Knowing activates. Notice what your Inner Knowing—instincts and intuition—reveal to you when you ask these 3 questions about your particular challenge, situation, or concern.

  • What could be possible that I’m not seeing or sensing?

  • What could be an outcome even better than I desire?

  • What best possible outcome am I ready to receive?