7 Types of Rest Every Leader Needs

Just because what you’ve been waiting for has not shown up the way you thought it would doesn’t mean it hasn’t arrived. ~Epic Leadership Journeys

Perhaps you’re too tired to see or recognize new possibilities appearing before you. If so, which of the 7 types of rest do you need to receive? Notice the difference when you give all 7 to yourself.

The Impact of Epic Change on Inclusive Women Leaders

You’re busy with work and life, yet feel scattered and “all over the place.”

You’re dealing with sudden rapid change and feel like you can’t get your footing.

You’re seeking a ‘new normal' while feeling anxious, uncertain and depleted.

You need to free up space for mental and emotional clarity, discerning focus, and imaginative creative thinking.

Your concerns about results cause you to doubt and second-guess yourself—not fully trusting your decisions and communications, or your years of hard-won experience and expertise.

In the back of your mind you harbor a growing sense of alarm because it seems you are not doing enough, or need to be doing things differently and better.

You’re searching for practical insights and empowering perspectives to reframe and liberate your epic leadership in these distressingly challenging times.

Innovative approaches and inspired visionary solutions keep eluding your grasp.

This is because the impact of epic change on you is significant. And… You are not alone.

As a leader you are dealing with complicated challenges present in the illusive epic change of these times.

You can’t navigate this epic change, its challenges, and unknown territory ahead unless ‘your come from’ is Epic.

Simply the Best Coaching helps you move into the Epic Expansion these times require of your leadership.

Feel welcome to contact me: sylvia@simplythebestcoaching.com