The Beauty of What We'll Never Know

In his engaging TED Talk Pico Iyer reminds us that transformation comes when we are not in charge and don't know what comes next. Travel has taught him that the opposite of knowledge isn't ignorance; it's wonder. As a life long traveler, I agree. For the first law of travel is also a law of life.

"You're only as strong as your readiness to surrender."

Is Endless Information Turning You Into A Circular Thinker?

How You Think Determines How You Lead

Critical thinking is essential to making good decisions. It engages you in learning what works, what doesn't work, and what would work better.

Critical thinking tests your willingness to consider different points of view. It asks you to question assumptions and examine expectations - whether  obvious, subtle, unexpressed, understated, or 'undiscovered territory'. 

Knowing whether you're a linear, lateral, or circular thinker helps you navigate the uncertainty leaders experience when discerning the best possible decision to make.


Which of the following characteristics of linear, lateral, or circular thinkers best describes you? Be candid. Select one...

Linear Thinkers (left-brain dominant)

  • Prefer a logical, sequential structured (step-by-step) progression
  • Focus on details - organizing, planning, and doing things in precise order
  • Define meaningful categories, streamlines and systemizes options

Lateral Thinkers (right-brain dominant)

  • Prefer to look at the big picture and understand concepts
  • Focus on what is being overlooked - challenging assumptions
  • See novel cross-connections that form creative alternatives

Circular Thinkers (right & left-brain co-dominant)

  • Prefer to scan all information - big picture and details
  • Focus on all possibilities - everything being done and thought
  • Circle around different possibilities and indirectly land on solutions


Numerous techniques and tools have been designed to improve linear and lateral thinking. Yet there doesn't appear to be much of anything available to assist circular thinkers, even though circular thinking has the potential to access more of the human brain.

The Medicine Wheel in Native American Tradition spontaneously came to mind when a client described her natural, yet frustratingly unproductive, circular thinking process. Karen (name changed for client confidentiality) works with people in different cultures and traditions. She was very receptive to a modern day practice that would connect her way of reaching decisions with a centuries-old approach to whole brain thinking. 


In Native American culture the Medicine Wheel consists primarily of 4 directions - East, South, West and North - with a center point. The simplicity of it as a Circular Thinking Decision Model is a function of these 5 basic parameters.

Travel this circle from East to North as many times as it takes for you to address whatever is present in each direction. Let the challenges and opportunities engage you in new ways of seeing and thinking about what is possible. Allow what get revealed in the circle to lead you to the best possible decision. 


Take a blank piece of paper. Fill it with a large circle. On it write the 4 directions. Then begin your journey from East to North - jotting down your responses to the decision making points in each direction. The points listed below align with the energy resident in each direction of the Medicine Wheel.

Center (focal point) - Decision You Need to Make

  • Clarify the decision you need to make
    • Where are you now?
    • What needs to change or be better?
  • Describe desired future and intended results
    • What options exist?
    • What opportunities exist - seen and unseen?
  • Write down your ideal outcome
    • What would need to happen to reach that outcome?
    • What crucial factors influence or impact your decision?

East (right side of circle) - Resources Available to Make a Good Decision

  • Expertise
  • Experience
  • Information
  • People: Team / Staff / Partners / Collaborators
  • Finances

South (bottom of circle) - What Decision Maker Brings

  • Skills
  • Talents
  • Resources
  • Natural gifts

West (left side of circle) - What You Need to Make a Smart Decision

  • Question assumptions and expectations
  • Ask different types of questions
  • See possibilities that emerge

North (top of circle) - What Decision Wants to Be Made

  • New insights
  • Deeper understanding
  • Greater knowing and wisdom

Test this circular thinking decision making tool by moving through all 4 directions of the Medicine Wheel. Notice the clarity you experience. See how this traditional wisdom practice engages you in transformative critical thinking — empowering you to make smarter decisions. 

Play Nurtures Your Business

A Year of Saying YES to Everything

Introvert, TV Titan, and lover of work Shonda Rhimes shares the priceless and unexpected value she experienced from playing more and working less.

Are you playing enough in business, leadership and life?

Are You Saying "NO!" Enough?

The Power of a Positive "NO!"

Why You Don't Say NO!

Which of these 3 reasons keep you from finding your essential "YES!"?

1.  Accommodation

  • You want to say "No!"
  • Instead you say "yes" to please or gain approval from the person or people asking.
  • You also don't know how to say "No!" to the request.

2.  Avoidance

  • You don't return phone calls, respond to emails, or put off getting back to the person or people making the request.
  • You're very uncomfortable or afraid to say "No!" because you do not want to upset, hurt or offend the person or people asking.
  • You don't know how to say "No!" nicely.

3.  Anger/Attack

  • You really do not want to say "Yes".
  • You're angry at yourself for feeling like you can't say "No!" 
  • You begrudgingly say "yes" but with very negative agreement.

Power Up with a "No!" Sandwich

Start with Your Genuine "Yes!" (top slice of bread)

  • Know the value on which you stand, what saying "No" actually allows you to say "Yes!" to—your big, most authentic "YES!"
  • Based on what you really value, ask yourself what saying "No!" allows you to say "Yes!" to that keeps you true to yourself.

State Your Positive "No!" (meat in the middle)

  • Prepare the person asking to receive your positive "No!"
  • Stand firmly in a commitment to your value-rooted, genuine "Yes!" and say your positive "No!" from that place within yourself.

Consider Ending with "Yes!" (bottom slice of bread)

  • Start with your decision to say a Positive "No!"
  • Then, if appropriate, choose what you are willing to do that is different from what is being requested of you.
  • "I am willing to ____________________________________________ (fill in the blank).

Using this "No!" sandwich empowers you to say a Positive "NO!" It also takes you out of the unproductive loop of trying to please people or gain their approval. Instead it's possible for you to please and approve of yourself without being selfish or egotistical.

Of course, if you would like help learning and embodying this critical leadership skill, contact me. I would be happy to assist you in communicating your Positive "NO!" in difficult conversations and challenging situations.

Find Your Fascination Power!

What Fascinates You Most?

Whatever your greatest fascination is, it runs like a river through your work or business, leadership and life.

For me, it's journeying into the unknown to discover and experience wonders living there. That's why I love helping clients deal with troublesome and complex leadership, professional and business challenges―their uncharted territory.

While the landscape and terrain of what's not working for them is known to me, clients' inner and outer adventures reveal to them their unique courage, commitment and confidence. This frees them to create meaningful results and thrive as leaders. Their transformational journeys―the practical steps, simple elegant solutions, and inner peace clients experience―always fascinates me.

Visible or Invisible?

If your greatest fascination is invisible to you, it's hidden in plain sight. Often it lurks inside pressing problems that push you way outside your comfort zone.

Funny thing is, your difficult decisions and stubborn challenges provoke less anxiety when you know and understand what fascinates you.

This knowing shines a light on how your fascination is attracted to certain types of problems because dealing with them offers a strongly desired sense of satisfaction.

This certainly is the case for the women leaders I coach. When we uncover the roots of what fascinates them, their body relaxes and their minds become quiet and alert.

The significant script change in their inner story shifts the way they view the outer world. Instead of things happening to them, they see things happening with them. And, problems become opportunities to experience the fullness of their fascination power.

Experience the Difference

One client spent years dealing with extremely stressful complex changes at work only to find herself struggling to navigate a different set of worrisome changes in her own business.

When she realized her greatest fascination was her persistent love of learning, she saw how this deep natural desire was at play in all her stressful attempts to navigate big challenging changes. So she decided to pay close attention to what she learns from complex change that keeps her fascinated.

This focus expanded her awareness, deepened her understanding, and crystalized her knowing. She shifted out of overwhelm and felt free to engage differently in her growing business. Now as an entrepreneur, wife and mother, she navigates predictable and unpredictable changes in her business and life with a dynamic sense of balance and inner peace. By helping clients with their difficult problems, she is putting her natural fascination with complex change to even greater use.

Uncover Your Uniqueness

When you understand your deepest fascination, what it values, and the role it' like to play, you can turn what fascinates you most into a valuable ally.

Discover the wisdom and power of your own natural fascination. Learn how it can work wonders for you in business, leadership and life.

Schedule a complimentary 30-minute Discover Your Powerful Fascination Session today.

Your Journey To Awesome

Easy Yet Enlightening

When was the last time you paused to catch up with yourself? You know, slowed down to see the entirety of what you have accomplished, feel it fully, and appreciate all your efforts and high flying results in business, leadership or life.

If it's been quite a while since you've even thought to do this, you are not alone. Smart women leaders, executives/professionals and entrepreneurs are so busy moving on to the next big challenge that they rarely stop to savor the fullness of their achievements.

Focusing on improving performance in themselves, their teams, and their businesses or organizations without waiting to inhale their successes keeps them from feeling satisfied or fulfilled.

Don't let this happen to you! Instead, use this simple practice to experience the satisfaction and fulfillment you have worked so hard to have.

Give yourself a few precious moments in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Jot down your responses to 3 questions about your work/business, leadership or life.

  1. Where are you now that is better than where you were 9-6-3 months ago?

  2. What have you accomplished to arrive at this once desired place?

  3. How are you celebrating this progress and savoring your wins?

Without re-reading them, put your answers away for a few days. Then find a time and place to sit quietly with your favorite drink and read what you've written.

As you sip refreshing tea or a smoothie or lemonade, drink in the progress and wins you have won.

Savor the moments you are experiencing as a result of your achievements. Let the sweet taste of satisfaction and fulfillment flow into your heart and seep into your bones.

Feel how in sync you are. Now in this clear state of presence you are ready to engage in greater accomplishments and enjoy more welcomed progress.

3 Simple Success Practices

Suffering from Achievement Amnesia?

You execute complex strategies, lead wildly divergent teams, meet ambitious goals, and deliver on your commitments to the success of your business or organization. Yet it feels like the success you seek still eludes you.

Why? Because...

You race to the finish line with impressive speed only to find that the end goal has moved. There is no finish line. Your stunning achievements are ignored because of an unending stream of critical priorities, competing demands, and ambitious goals that you now have to reach.

The upside is you make substantial and significant progress even in the face of these daunting challenges. The downside is you cannot remember what you're already achieved. This leaves you feeling like you are not productive or effective or good enough.

The good news and the bad news is that you are not alone. I call this workday malaise "Achievement Amnesia" because it robs your instant recall of your noteworthy accomplishments.

Enjoy Your Hard Won Success

Simple daily practices allow you to experience and enjoy the success you work so hard to achieve. Change-makers, visionary leaders, and peak performers find these 3 particularly useful. See how they work for you.

  1. At the start of your workday, write down 3 top priorities you are committed to getting done that day.
    • I know you have a lot more than 3. Just focus on the first top 3, and then the next top 3, and then the next top 3.
    • The human brain only effectively focuses on 3 areas at a time—one primary area and two in waiting
  2. Check each priority and subsequent action items off your list after they are completed.
    • Get creative. Draw a bold line through them or X them out with a flourish.
    • Notice how great this simple action feels.
  3. Take 5 minutes at the end of your workday and review your progress to see what you've achieved.
    • Give yourself this time and space to appreciate what is working well for you.
    • Intentionally celebrate small and big wins in easy fun ways.

Notice how these 3 simple success practices release you from the fog of Achievement Amnesia. The satisfying difference in your sense of daily and weekly accomplishments boosts your self confidence and capacity to make better decisions.